State of play…

The 2021/22 certification exercise is now launched!

This procedure allows officials within the Assistant function group (AST) who are grade AST5 or above to be appointed to an Administrator (AD) job and thus become members of the AD function group. The certification procedure is based on Article 45a of the Staff Regulations.

Under the ongoing procedure, 346 applications have been registered and a draft list of 333 eligible candidates has been established. The final list of 103 candidates selected for interview by the Joint Certification Panel was published in Administrative Notice N° 02-2022.

Interviews with the Joint Certification Panel are currently ongoing.

Candidates are assessed based on several criteria (motivation, presentation, clarity and concision, ability to express themselves in a language other than their main language, responsibilities/professional experience, and relevant training/academic background). Following the interviews, the Joint Certification Panel will draw up a preliminary draft list of officials authorised to take part in the training programme.


A number of staff representatives are members of the Joint Certification Committee and play an active role in the evaluation of applications and candidates’ interviews


The training programme will start on 30 May 2022.