Expectations of the AST/SC category

After many months of consultations, AST/SC officials are calling upon DG HR to finally create a reasonable career path for this category.

It is high time meaningful and concrete improvements were made, as the existing  inequality is unbecoming for the European Commission and the values it represents.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance to let people grow professionally (either by allowing AST/SC officials to participate in internal competitions or by creating a certification mechanism, like the one that already exists for the AST category). AST/SCs are also requesting a higher promotion quota, more flexibility in terms of posts for which AST/SC officials can apply, including  posts in the delegations (for which the quota is currently 0).

A simple ‘mapping of AST/SC tasks’, as proposed so far by DG HR, is not enough. There are no first and second-class assistants and this approach aimed at creating a non-existing division between AST and AST/SC in order to justify the unbalanced situation is not the right path.

It will never change the dynamic and demanding environment of each and every assistant’s job. Artificial distinctions like this simply have no place in a modern workplace.

What is missing is some form of career prospect, however small, and DG HR needs to step in urgently to ensure this. It cannot be that one group of officials in the European Commission is entirely excluded from any chance of upgrading their status.

It is also high time the institution acted as it is already losing many talented colleagues. Creation of unattractive categories like AST/SC and having done nothing to improve the situation for 8 consecutive years, is highly detrimental to employees and employer alike.

Hence, we call on DG HR to take these arguments seriously when drawing up the new HR strategy. These are challenging times that require bold actions. The institution has a great deal to gain from the many skills and talents AST/SCs have to offer, if only it would give them a chance to grow professionally.